
A voyage around the castles of Extremadura

Discover the castles of Extremadura, whether they are on extensive meadows full…

Um passeio entre os castelos da Estremadura

Descubra os castelos da Estremadura, entre azinheiras na devesa ou em núcleos urbanos.…

The International Classical Theater Festival of Mérida premiers at Cáparra

The 2017 Year edition of the International Classical Theater Festival of Mérida…

Plans to complement an escapade to Merida’s Theater Festival

The city of Mérida in Extremadura, Spain proves to be a lively…

The route of the “tapa” through the towns of Extremadura

Touring Extremadura from “tapa” to “tapa” is a gastronomic experience to please…

De tapa em tapa pelos petiscos da Estremadura

Percorrer a Estremadura de tapa em tapa é uma experiência gastronómica para…

Comer na Estremadura, um prazer que alimenta

A Estremadura estende-se sobre 41634 km2 onde vivem pouco mais de um…

“食”在艾克司崔瑞马度拉(Extremadura) 不仅悦心 而且养身

艾克司崔瑞马度拉(Extremadura)面积为四万一千六百三十四平方公里,人口一百万多一点.有一百万公顷的牧场,美丽的圣栎树林, 栓皮槠树林被山麓,山谷,溪流环绕着形成了一个独一无二的生态系统.所以这个地区生产了许多不同品种的土产食材,在美食方面,它包括了最优质的伊比利火腿,国际闻名的土产调味香料维拉(Vera)胡椒粉,当然咱们不可忘了那举世闻名栽种在黑尔德山谷的比哥大(Picota)樱桃,此外这儿用山羊,绵羊的鲜奶制作的奶酪也是美味无比. 放牧于圣栎树阴下的艾克司崔美紐(Extremeño)畜群 它们以田野的橡果为食,猪仔们在圣栎树下日益肥胖,伊比利橡果火腿在艾克司崔美纽山中需 三年到四年的时间腌制. 在田野中放牧的羊群,牛群和小山羊也都将成为炉灶上烹调的美食.此外,奶酪的品质也为人称道 : 有伊波瑞司牌(Ibores),色瑞娜牌(Serena),还有一个种叫哥阿沙(Casar)糕的奶酪,而最后两种是另加野药草熬汤后,凝聚而成. 蜂蜜,橄榄油和酒 山上的花使得能够生产一种具独特品质的蜂蜜,为人赏识 :尤其是产于维于尔加-伊波瑞司(Villuerca-Ibores)地区的. 在艾克司崔美紐境内,多于二十六万公顷的土地都种植橄榄树,它具有益健康的特质.酒更是一种具多品味供应大众的饮料.还有本地的香槟酒(Cava)精致而凉爽,毫不逊色.…

Extremadura dining, a pleasure that nourishes

Extremadura is a region in Spain that extends over an area of…

Vinhos na Estremadura

Com o vinho faz-se o caminho e quem escolher a Denominação de…

Wines across Extremadura

Your choice of wine is important during the ways of life and…

Viaje al centro de las cerezas

El Valle del Jerte es el centro de las cerezas en Extremadura…
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